1st International Meeting of Young Beekeepers

June 10 – 13, 2010 | Nasavrky, Czech Republic

Participating countries:

Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia


  • Written test
  • Identification of microscopic preparations
  • Identification of apicultural tools
  • Botany
  • Solution of different practical apicultural situations
  • Presentation of a short individual work



1st place – Jana Knosová (Czech Republic)

2nd place – Florian Schweigkofler (Italy)

3rd place – Lukáš Jiřík (Czech Republic)


1st place – Czech Republic

2nd place – Italy

3rd place – Slovakia

The first International Meeting of Young Beekeepers took place at the Secondary Educational Establishment of Beekeeping – Training Centre of Beekeeping in Nasavrky in the district of Chrudim from the 10th to the 13th of June 2010. This event was prepared by the Czech Union of Beekeepers´ Commission for the Work with Youth which closely cooperated with the educational establishment. It followed in certain way the tradition of previous meetings of the Czech, Slovak and Austrian young beekeepers organised together with the Slovak Union of Beekeepers and some colleagues from Austria. But this time, delegates from many European countries such as Belarus, Italy, Liechtenstein, Germany, Poland and Slovenia came to Nasavrky.

Nasavrky became for several days the activity centre for young beekeepers from nine European countries. In total there were 70 young beekeepers and representatives from different Unions of Beekeeping who took part in the meeting. It is necessary to mention that the organizers managed to deal well with the plurality of languages also thanks to the cooperation with a group of young interpreters from the families of Czech beekeepers. The division of participants into multinational groups also helped to achieve the main goal of the meeting – the creation of nice and friendly atmosphere positive for the exchange of experience and for making new contacts not only between the Unions of Beekeepers from different European countries and their stuff members who work on upbringing and educating of young beekeepers but also between these young people who are fundamental for the future of beekeeping as an unsubstitutable field in the agriculture in the whole Europe and in the nature in general. It seems that regardless of borders of states the beekeeping has to face in different countries very similar generation problems which require new attitudes in order to be solved.

The signification of this meeting, unique in its scale which overpassed the region of Central Europe, was emphasised by the presence of the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the regional authority of the Pardubice district.

28594756066_1df53c7746_kThe organizers of the event for young beekeepers created a space for competitiveness of the participants but also made an effort to enlarge the amount of information and improve their practical skills after each meeting which might be useful in their beekeeping practice. Therefore the organizers prepared a competition with several disciplines based not only on the theoretical knowledge but also on practical skills of young beekeepers. The participants had to deal with a written test, an identification of microscopic preparations, apicultural tools and plants closely connected to beekeeping as well as with simulated examples of solving different practical apicultural situations and justification of short individual works. Finally the results were made and the young beekeepers were awarded with valuable prizes and many souvenirs and they were happy to deepen their interest in beekeeping as a socially beneficial activity.

There was also a rich cultural and social program as a part of the meeting. It consisted of little shows made by young musicians from the Czech Republic who helped also with the interpretation. There were presentations made by every participating state which offered a lot of entertainment, interesting traditional food or information about each country during friendly evening atmosphere. The people taking part in the meeting had also chance to visit the hippological museum in Slatiňany or the museum of marionettes in Chrudim. During the free time activities such as football or other sport games the young participants also got to know each other better and made nice friendships across the nationalities.

The first International Meeting of Young Beekeepers in Nasavrky came to its end and as the organizers had wished, the new tradition of exchange of experience and support of young beekeepers on the European level was set.

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